You Have The Power To Impact Your Future With What You Do Today.
Make today a successful day. Your life will never change until you change something you do daily. Success is not an event, it’s a daily process.
Time is an equal opportunity to do something for everyone, but how we treat time is not equal.
Every day requires making decisions and having discipline. When setting a goal it is necessary to know how you will achieve this goal. Good decisions without action will not allow you to achieve any goal.
Start building a better life by making the right decisions and adding the discipline of executing them daily.
If you apply these Six Fundamental Elements of A Successful Day, making the right decision in each area and then manage those decisions daily, you can be successful.
Get started now! / ¡Comienza ahora!
Your Instructor / Tu Instructor
Her purpose is to help individuals, groups, and organizations reach success. She is committed to the growth of her clients' skills and a global perspective in order for them to reach high levels of growth and achievements.
Mother, wife, friend, servant leader, writer, international speaker, mentor, and coach. She is the Executive Director and Founder of the organization's "LEADINFORCE LLC" and "Liderazgo Hispanoamericano ©"; She is a Global Leadership Consultant; as well as Executive Director of the "John Maxwell Team ©" and Professor at Miami Dade College. She is the author of "Leadership and Culture." Dr. Sáenz is originally from Colombia and currently lives with her family in the United States.
For more information about LEADINFORCE and Dr. Sáenz, click the following link: